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9-Jan-2008 3:05 PM EST
Combined HRT Increases Risk of Lobular Breast Cancer Fourfold After Just Three Years of Use
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Postmenopausal women who take combined estrogen/progestin hormone-replacement therapy for three years or more face a fourfold increased risk of developing various forms of lobular breast cancer, according to new findings by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

18-Jan-2008 8:00 AM EST
Evolutionary 'Battle Scars' Identify Enhanced Antiviral Activity
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Rapid evolution of a protein produced by an immunity gene is associated with increased antiviral activity in humans, a finding that suggests evolutionary biology and virology together can accelerate the discovery of viral-defense mechanisms, according to researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Released: 1-Feb-2008 9:00 AM EST
Widespread Vitamin and Mineral Use Among Cancer Survivors, Although Benefits Remain Unclear
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Use of vitamin and mineral supplements among cancer survivors is widespread, despite inconclusive evidence that such use is beneficial, according to a comprehensive review of scientific literature conducted by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and published Feb. 1 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

8-Feb-2008 1:30 PM EST
Study Reveals Why Certain Ovarian Cancers Develop Resistance to Platinum-based Chemotherapy
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A team of researchers led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has identified a new mechanism that explains why some recurrent ovarian tumors become resistant to treatment with commonly used platinum-based chemotherapy drugs such as cisplatin and carboplatin.

Released: 13-Feb-2008 9:00 AM EST
What's Good for the Heart May be Good for the Prostate
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Men who eat a diet low in fat and red meat but high in vegetables and lean protein and who drink alcohol in moderation may not just be doing their hearts a favor. A new study shows that such a heart-healthy diet may also be good for the prostate.

7-Mar-2008 3:30 PM EST
Pandemic Flu May be Well Mitigated Until Vaccine Is Available
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

An outbreak of pandemic influenza in the U.S. could be mitigated with prompt implementation of social-distancing measures combined with antiviral treatment and prophylaxis until a vaccine is available.

25-Apr-2008 1:25 PM EDT
Study Raises Questions About Prostate Cancer Therapies Targeting IGF-1
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Therapies under development to treat prostate cancer by inhibiting the ability of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) to activate its target receptor could have unexpected results especially if a major tumor suppressor gene "“ p53 "“ is already compromised.

13-May-2008 1:05 PM EDT
Researchers Document Rapid, Dramatic 'Reverse Evolution' in the Threespine Stickleback Fish
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Evolution is supposed to inch forward over eons, but sometimes, at least in the case of a little fish called the threespine stickleback, the process can go in relative warp-speed reverse, according to a study led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

27-May-2008 10:10 AM EDT
How Advanced Prostate Cancer Becomes Resistant to Androgen-deprivation Therapy
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A team of researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has uncovered what may be the key to understanding how prostate tumors eventually become resistant to androgen-deprivation therapy.

3-Jun-2008 2:20 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Biomarkers of Early-stage Pancreatic Cancer in Mice and Man
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A multicenter team of researchers has identified a panel of proteins linked to early development of pancreatic cancer in mice that applies also to early stages of the disease in humans "“ a breakthrough that brings scientists a significant step closer to developing a blood test to detect the disease early, when cure rates are highest.
