
Haris  Alibasic, Ph.D.

Haris Alibasic, Ph.D.

University of West Florida

Associate Professor and Public Administration Program Coordinator

Expertise: Economic DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentPublic PolicyPublic PolicySustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development

Dr. Haris Aliba拧i膰 is an Associate Professor and the Public Administration Program Coordinator at the University of West Florida. Dr. Aliba拧i膰 brings 27 years of expertise and experience in the public sector, including working for the United Nations Mission, NATO, and the Office of High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina and SouthEast Europe. In Grand Rapids, he directed energy, sustainability, legislative affairs, and climate resilience policies and programs for Grand Rapids, the second-largest city in Michigan. He implemented resilience strategies resulting in significantly reduced energy usage and cost and spurring significant renewable energy investments and the development of a climate resilience plan for the region. In 2022, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 served as a Fulbright Project Specialist in the Republic of Kosovo's Prime Minister Office of Strategic Planning, where he completed the project of National Development Strategy and National Energy Strategy alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

Dr. Aliba拧i膰 has over 17 years of experience teaching graduate and undergraduate in public policy, public administration, economic development, and sustainability courses at Grand Valley State University, Central Michigan University, and Davenport University. As an associate professor at UWF, he teaches doctoral and graduate-level in public service and administrative ethics, the political economy, strategic management, leadership, public budgeting and finance, and public administration. During his tenure at the University of West Florida, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 presented at regional, national, and international conferences on a wide range of topics, including governance, climate resilience, strategic planning, sustainability and administration, post-genocide resilience and development, and was quoted in regional, state, national, and international media on these topics. 

As a Fulbright Project Specialist, in 2022, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 completed a project for the Republic of Kosovo's Prime Minister's Office of Strategic Planning in coordination with the European Union Ministry of Integration and the U.S. Department of State, which included the following specific project activities:
- A full review and suggested refinements to the National Development Strategy 2030 (NDS 2030), including specific suggestions for messaging, editorial changes, and alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including writing the English version of the vision for the NDS 2030.
- Writing the Green Agenda proposal draft to be included in the NDS 2030 and to align with the SDGs.
- Reviewing and recommending modifications to the National Strategic Management Framework, namely the placement of the environmental goals in the NDS 2030.
- Examining and suggesting revisions to the National Energy Strategy, including suggestions for aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), peak load management, and cybersecurity threat information.
- Reviewing the Administrative Burden Reduction documents and offering comments and suggestions for additional considerations.
- Meeting with the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of the Local Government Affairs.
- At the invitation of the Director of the Office of Strategic Planning, attending the Joint Steering Committee chaired by the Prime Minister, with several ministers, and representatives of the international community, including the UN in Kosovo and the World Health Organization.

In addition, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 is a partner in the Florida League of Cities Municipal Research Program. Through the Partners in Municipal Research Program, the Center for Municipal Research & Innovation serves as a link between Florida's public policy researchers and municipal governments, bridging the gap between academics and public policymakers and administrators. For the past two years, he led the UWF interdisciplinary team of undergraduate and graduate students to the statewide Municipal Modernization competition organized by the Florida League of Cities and held in Orlando, FL. He presented at the FLC symposium on climate resilience and hosted a webinar on climate resilience and sustainability planning.

In March 2017, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 was appointed by the City Council to the City of Pensacola Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Task Force at the recommendation of local community members and an elected official. On November 8, 2018, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 presented the Task Force's final recommendations to the City of Pensacola Council. In December 2018, he was interviewed for a WUWF radio segment on climate change in the region and discussed the Task Force climate resilience report.

In 2013, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 advised the Resilient Communities of America on climate resilience and went on to serve as co-chair for the energy sector of the White House Climate Preparedness and Resilience Task Force in 2014. 

Dr. Aliba拧i膰 received the 2012 West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) 鈥 The C.R. Evenson Award, and the 2011 Grand Valley State University's Sustainability Champion Award.  In November of 2016, he won the prestigious Sustainable Hall of Fame Merit Award from West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum. In January 2017, he received an Emerging Scholar Award at Thirteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability and the On Sustainability Research Network, held in Rio, Brazil. He also received a 2017 Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence Cities Initiative (GLSLCI) Certificate of Appreciation and November 28th of 2016 State of Michigan Special Tribute. In 2018, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 received the CEPS Outstanding Contribution in Research Award.

Dr. Aliba拧i膰 has written, presented, and published extensively on the topics of ethics, sustainability, climate resilience, economic development, and sustainable energy. He is the author of the book Sustainability and Resilience Planning for Local Governments: The Quadruple Bottom Line Strategy, published in June of 2018 by Springer.

Dr. Aliba拧i膰 has presented at numerous national, regional, and international conferences on sustainability, resilience, economic development, and ethics, including in Brazil, Costa Rica, Monte Negro, Italy, Austria, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has been interviewed and quoted in local, national, and international media for his expertise and research in sustainability, resilience, and ethics. He has been interviewed and quoted in local, national, and international media for his expertise and research in sustainability, resilience, and ethics.

Research Interests:
- Climate Resilience and Sustainability Planning
- Ethics, Integrity, Administrative Evil, Moral Inversion
- Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy, and Energy Efficiency
- Corporate Social Responsibility

Editorial Boards for Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Dr. Aliba拧i膰 was a Section Editor for the Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership and a regular peer-reviewer for the Public Administration Review, Energy Policy, Sustainability, International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Energies, and other journals. 
- From 2018-2019 he served on the Executive Review Board and as a Digital Media Strategist for Public Integrity, a double-blind peer-review journal on ethics and integrity. 
- With Dr. Jonathan Rose, Dr. Aliba拧i膰 was a co-editor for the special issue of the Public Integrity symposium "Fake 欧美极品, Post-truth, and Alternative facts: Lying and Integrity in the Public Sector." 
- He is the lead editor of the special issue for the University of Sarajevo peer-reviewed journal for social studies, Pregled, the symposium entitled Strategic Sustainability and Climate Resilience Planning and Policies in Southeast Europe.

Degrees & Institutions:
Dr. Aliba拧i膰 holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (BBA) in International Business and Marketing and a Master's degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Grand Valley State University (GVSU). Dr. Aliba拧i膰 earned a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University, where he was a recipient of the Doctoral Scholarship, Commitment to Social Change.

Dr. Aliba拧i膰 is actively involved with the Bosnian American community and served as a past president of the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB). He is a past board member of the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina, an international expert team member of the Institute for Research of Genocide (Canada). He received a North American Bosniaks鈥 Special Recognition Award in 2013 for outstanding contributions to the advancement of Bosniaks and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Current Courses:

Graduate Courses:
Public Service Ethics
Political Economy of Public Administration
Strategic Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Administration Capstone
Policy Lab: Disaster Preparedness and Resillience

Doctoral Courses:
Public Budgeting and Finance (PAD 7004)
Strategic Management (PAD7409)
Administrative Ethics (PAD7003)

Classes Taught:

Graduate Courses:
Government Contract Law (UWF)
Public Budgeting (UWF)
Policy Lab: School Violence and Ethics (UWF)
Introduction to Sustainability (GVSU)
Building Sustainable Communities (GVSU)
Building Sustainable Public-serving Organizations (GVSU)
Practicum in Decision Making for Sustainability (GVSU)
Implementing Sustainability in Organizations (GVSU)
Sustainability (GVSU)
Metropolitan Politics and Administration (GVSU)
Public Policy Analysis (GVSU)
Managing for Sustainability (DU)

Undergraduate courses:
Public Administration in American Society (UWF)
Business Ethics (DU)
Business Research (DU)
Sustainable Business Strategies (DU)
Sustainability Theory and Practice (DU)
International Business (DU)
International Management (DU)
Public Administration Management (DU)


Book (Refereed):
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2022).  Strategic Resilience and Sustainability Planning: Management Strategies for Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Communities and Organizations. Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/9783030911584
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Sustainability and Resilience Planning for Local Governments: The Quadruple Bottom Line Strategy.  Springer. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319725673

Journals (Refereed):
Atkinson, C. L., & Aliba拧i膰, H. (2023). Prospects for Governance and Climate Change Resilience in Peatland Management in Indonesia. Sustainability 15, no. 3: 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031839
Aliba拧i膰 H., & Atkinson CL. (2022). 欧美极品paper Coverage of Government Contracting in the United States: Fueling a Narrative of Distrust and Incompetence. Journalism and Media. 2022; 3(4):650-664. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia3040043
Atkinson, C.L., Aliba拧i膰, H., & Nyarko, E.O. (2022). Diversity Management in the Public Sector for Sustainable, Inclusive Organizations: Ideals and Practices in Northwest Florida. Public Integrity. doi: 10.1080/10999922.2022.2034339
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2020). The Administrative and Ethical Considerations of Climate Resilience: The Politics and Consequences of Climate Change. Public Integrity. DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2020.1838142
Aliba拧i膰, H., and Crawley, W. (2020). Applying Good Governance through Policy Labs: Sustainable Solutions for Universities and Local Governments. The International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context 17 (1): 13-25. doi:10.18848/2325-1115/CGP/v17i01/13-25.
Douthat, T., Morgan J.D., Aliba拧i膰, H., & Grant, A. (2020). Passive building characteristics, and summertime residential energy use: A spatial analysis of energy efficiency in Gainesville, FL. Building and Environment, 169, 106542.
Aliba拧i膰, H. & Rose, J. (2019) Fake 欧美极品 in Context: Truth and Untruths, Public Integrity, 21 (5), 463-468, DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2019.1622359
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2019) Brexit by Toby Haynes: Moral and Ethical Irrelevance and Na茂ve Expectations, Public Integrity, 21:5, 537-542, DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2019.162679
Feldman, D., & Aliba拧i膰, H. (2019). The Remarkable 2018 鈥淰elvet Revolution鈥: Armenia's Experiment Against Political Corruption. Public Integrity, 21 (4), 420-432.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Paris Climate Accord sans the USA: The Role of Local Governments in Confronting the Effects of Climate Change and Increasing Resilience. The Global Studies Journal. The Global Studies Journal 11 (2): 33-39. doi:10.18848/1835-4432/CGP/v11i02/33-39.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Leadership Strategies for Embedding Sustainability and Resilience in Organizations with an Emphasis on Sustainable Energy. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 4(1), 17-26. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). The Nexus of Sustainability and Climate Resilience Planning: Embedding Climate Resilience Policies in Local Governments. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 10 (2): 21-33. doi:10.18848/1835-7156/CGP/v10i02/21-33.
Davis, J. Aliba拧i膰, H., Norris, S. (2018). Corporate Leadership in Sustainability: A Green Ranking Performance-Based Approach to Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Positive Marketing Impact. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership. 4(1), 3-6.
Aliba拧i膰, H., & Crawley, W. (2018). Developing and Continuing Sustainability-Related Academic Programming: Observations of Emerging Practices. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 4 (1), 27-34. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Book Review: Abraham Unger, Business Improvement Districts in the United States: Private Government and Public Consequences. Public Administration Review, 78 (11), 169鈥172. doi:10.1111/puar.12899
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2017). Measuring Sustainability Impact in Local Governments Using the Quadruple Bottom Line Approach. The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice 13 (3), 37-45.  https://doi.org/10.18848/2325-1166/CGP/v13i03/37-45
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2015). Reconciling the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Genocide Denial and the Role of Moral Inversion. PREGLED: Peer-reviewed journal for Social Issues - ISSN 1986-5244 of the University of Sarajevo. Vol. 3, 2015.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013, September). Kori拧tenje primijenjene odr啪ivosti za inovacije u organizacijama (Bosnian)/Using Applied Sustainability to Innovate in Organizations. Pregled-Periodical for Social Issues No. 2/2013 Volume LIV.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2012). Warning shots over Bosnia/Pucnji upozorenja iznad Bosne. Yearbook of the Bosniak Cultural Community "Preporod" (1/2012)/Godi拧njak Bo拧nja膷ke zajednice culture Preporod.
Ibrakovi膰, D啪. & Aliba拧i膰, H. (2010). Zaznamovana Bosna in Hercegovina (ali o zgodovinskem blatenju Bosne in Hercegovine (Slovenian language). Oto膷jeo. Letn. 2, 拧t. 4 (2010), str. 82-108.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2009). The global economic crisis: Dangers and possibilities/Globalna Ekonomska Kriza: Opasnosti i mogu膰nosti. Academic Journal Pregled, Journal for Social Issues, 50, 2, 233- 245
Ibrakovi膰, D啪. & Aliba拧i膰, H. (2007). Marked Bosnia and Herzegovina/Obilje啪ena Bosna i Hercegovina. Yearbook of the Bosnian Cultural Community "Preporod" (1/2007)/Godi拧njak Bo拧nja膷ke zajednice kulture "Preporod" (Bosnian) (01/2007)

Book Chapters (Refereed):
Aliba拧i膰, H. & Budnick, K. (2020). Administering Evil in Flint: The State-Sanctioned Traumatization of an Entire Community. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International AG, Cham, Switzerland.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2020). Post-genocide Recovery and Governance. In Jurkiewicz, C.E. (Ed.) (2020). Global Corruption and Management: Translating Theory Into Action. 3rd Edition.  Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Aliba拧i膰, H. & Morgan, J. D. (2020). Coastal Climate Readiness and Preparedness: Comparative Review of the State of Florida and Cuba. Springer. Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment: A Focus on The Global South. Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030258788
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2020). Sustainable Procurement. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3427-1
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Ethics and Sustainability in Local Government. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3427-1
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Sustainability as Organizational Strategy. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3433-1
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Leading Climate Change at the Local Government Level. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing, AG, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3428-1
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Ethics of Resiliency in Crisis Management. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing, AG, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018) Role of Corporations in Addressing Climate Change. In Farazmand, A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing, AG, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3429-1
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Aliba拧i膰, H. (2018). Redesigning Organizations for Maximum Resiliency in Dynamic Environments. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) (2018). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3431-2
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2017). Sustainable Energy Policy for State and Local Governments. In Farazmand, A. (Ed.) (2017). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3430-1
Balfour, D. and Aliba拧i膰, H. (2016). Administrative Evil. In Farazmand, A.  (Ed.)(2016). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1119-1

Mantravadi, S. and Aliba拧i膰, H. (2016). Hurricane Matthew: Effect on Healthcare and Community Resilience. The American Journal of Managed Care.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2015). A Case Study on Implementing Sustainable and Resilient Energy Initiatives in Water and Sewer Systems. Water Technology Magazine: http://www.gaccmidwest.org/fil eadmin/ahk_chicago/4._INITIATI VEN_PROGRAMME/GAWT_I nitiative/GAWT_MAGAZINE_2015-2 016_WEB.pdf
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2015) Foreword/Uvod in Ibrakovi膰, D啪. (2015). Bosnian lens of the World/Bosanska vizura svijeta. Sarajevo, Bosnia: Bo拧nja膷ka Asocijacija.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2015,2016) (Lead author). City of Grand Rapids鈥 FY 2017 鈥 FY 2021 Sustainability Plan. sustainablegr.org
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2015) (Lead author). City of Grand Rapids鈥 Five Year Sustainability Progress Report. sustainablegr.org
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2014-05-03). Michigan Cities Building a Sustainable Energy Platform: Holland, Ann Arbor and Beyond. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2014-05-02). Planning and Implementing Climate Resiliency in Grand Rapids. The Review Magazine. Michigan Municipal League.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2014-05-01). Michigan Cities Building a Sustainable Energy Platform: Focus on Grand Rapids. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2014-02). Dayton in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 18 Years of Experiment in Democratic Governance/ Dayton u Bosni i Hercegovini: 18 godina eksperimenta u demokratskom upravljanju. Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada and Congress of North American Bosniaks.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013, December 4). Grand Rapids Publishes Climate Resiliency Report. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. triplepundit.com
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013).  The Impact of Applied Sustainable Energy Management on Local Governments. Ph.D. Dissertation. ProQuest/UMI
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013, November 1). The evolution of sustainability planning in Grand Rapids. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013, July 29). Local governments must take charge of building resilient communities. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. 
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2013). Building sustainable and resilient Grand Rapids. German American Water Technology Magazine 2013/2014. 28-31.
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2012, August 30). How energy efficiency strategy pays off in Grand Rapids. TriplePundit People, Planet, Profit. 
膶eki膰, S., Lavi膰, S. Rami膰, E. Aliba拧i膰, H. (2012, March). The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Historical Fact. Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB); Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada; Bosniak Cultural Community "Preporod"
Aliba拧i膰, H. (2011). Sustainability and stewardship 鈥 An energy strategy for Grand Rapids. Mi-Biz.

Sustainability and Resilience Planning
Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainable Energy
Ethics, Integrity, Governance, Administrative Evil
Local Governments


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