欧美极品 欧美极品 from American Chemical Society (ACS) display Latest news from American Chemical Society (ACS) on 欧美极品 en-us Copyright 2024 欧美极品 欧美极品 欧美极品 from American Chemical Society (ACS) 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Turning Plants Into Workout Supplement Bio-Factories /articles/turning-plants-into-workout-supplement-bio-factories/?sc=rsin /articles/turning-plants-into-workout-supplement-bio-factories/?sc=rsin Wed, 02 Oct 2024 08:00:00 EST It's important to eat your veggies, but some essential vitamins and nutrients can only be found in animals, including certain amino acids and peptides. But, in a proof-of-concept study published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers developed a method to produce creatine, carnosine and taurine -- all animal-based nutrients and common workout supplements -- right inside a plant. The system allows for different synthetic modules to be easily stacked together to boost production. American Chemical Society (ACS) A New Injectable to Prevent and Treat Hypoglycemia /articles/a-new-injectable-to-prevent-and-treat-hypoglycemia/?sc=rsin /articles/a-new-injectable-to-prevent-and-treat-hypoglycemia/?sc=rsin Wed, 02 Oct 2024 08:00:00 EST To prevent and treat hypoglycemia, researchers in ACS Central Science report encapsulating the hormone glucagon. In mouse trials, the nanocapsules activated when blood sugar levels dropped dangerously low and quickly restored glucose levels. American Chemical Society (ACS) 2024 Chemistry Nobel Prize: ACS President Available for Comment /articles/2024-chemistry-nobel-prize-acs-president-available-for-comment/?sc=rsin /articles/2024-chemistry-nobel-prize-acs-president-available-for-comment/?sc=rsin Tue, 01 Oct 2024 10:00:10 EST American Chemical Society (ACS) President Mary K. Caroll will issue a statement on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry after the official announcement is made from Stockholm on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Caroll will also be available for Zoom interviews. American Chemical Society (ACS) Spinning Artificial Spider Silk Into Next-Generation Medical Materials /articles/spinning-artificial-spider-silk-into-next-generation-medical-materials/?sc=rsin /articles/spinning-artificial-spider-silk-into-next-generation-medical-materials/?sc=rsin Tue, 24 Sep 2024 08:00:39 EST Scientists reporting in ACS Nano have made their own version of fake spider silk, but this one consists of proteins and heals wounds instead of haunting hallways. The artificial silk is strong enough to be woven into bandages that helped treat joint injuries and skin lesions in mice. American Chemical Society (ACS) Folded or Cut, This Lithium-Sulfur Battery Keeps Going /articles/folded-or-cut-this-lithium-sulfur-battery-keeps-going/?sc=rsin /articles/folded-or-cut-this-lithium-sulfur-battery-keeps-going/?sc=rsin Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:00:00 EST Researchers reporting in ACS Energy Letters have designed a lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery that features an improved iron sulfide cathode. One prototype remains highly stable over 300 charge-discharge cycles, and another provides power even after being folded or cut. American Chemical Society (ACS) Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification /articles/carbohydrate-polymers-could-be-a-sweet-solution-for-water-purification/?sc=rsin /articles/carbohydrate-polymers-could-be-a-sweet-solution-for-water-purification/?sc=rsin Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:00:00 EST Researchers in ACS Central Science report a sugar-like polymer that traps heavy metals within insoluble clumps for easy removal. In proof-of-concept tests, the polymer removed ionic cadmium and lead from river water spiked with these persistent contaminants. American Chemical Society (ACS) Why dinosaur collagen might have staying power /articles/why-dinosaur-collagen-might-have-staying-power/?sc=rsin /articles/why-dinosaur-collagen-might-have-staying-power/?sc=rsin Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:00:00 EST Now, scientists report in ACS Central Science that the unique tenacity of collagen in dinosaur skeletons may result from a molecular structure that shields these vulnerable bonds from attack by water that's present in the environment. American Chemical Society (ACS) Levels of one 'forever chemical' are increasing in groundwater, study finds /articles/levels-of-one-forever-chemical-are-increasing-in-groundwater-study-finds/?sc=rsin /articles/levels-of-one-forever-chemical-are-increasing-in-groundwater-study-finds/?sc=rsin Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:00:00 EST Researchers in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology Letters analyzed water from over 100 wells in Denmark for one particularly persistent PFAS: trifluoroacetate. They report steadily increasing levels of the forever chemical in recent decades. American Chemical Society (ACS) Scientists use magnetic nanotech to safely rewarm frozen tissues for transplant /articles/scientists-use-magnetic-nanotech-to-safely-rewarm-frozen-tissues-for-transplant/?sc=rsin /articles/scientists-use-magnetic-nanotech-to-safely-rewarm-frozen-tissues-for-transplant/?sc=rsin Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:00:00 EST Looking to extend the viability of human tissues, researchers report in ACS' Nano Letters their efforts to facilitate completely freezing, rather than cooling and then thawing, potentially life-saving organs for transplant. They demonstrate a magnetic nanoparticle's successful rewarming of animal tissues. American Chemical Society (ACS) Getting the stink out of smoke-tainted wine /articles/getting-the-stink-out-of-smoke-tainted-wine/?sc=rsin /articles/getting-the-stink-out-of-smoke-tainted-wine/?sc=rsin Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:05:45 EST Wildfires can damage crops, even if flames come nowhere near the plants. One outcome can be an unpleasant flavor and smell of wine that is made from grapes exposed to smoke. But researchers report in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that they have developed a way to lessen this smoke taint to improve the palatability of the wine. American Chemical Society (ACS) Pilot study uses recycled glass to grow plants for salsa ingredients /articles/pilot-study-uses-recycled-glass-to-grow-plants-for-salsa-ingredients/?sc=rsin /articles/pilot-study-uses-recycled-glass-to-grow-plants-for-salsa-ingredients/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Salsa ingredients, such as cilantro and jalapeno, can be cultivated on recycled glass. A pilot study found that partially replacing potting soil with glass fragments can speed up plant development and reduce unwanted fungal growth. The researchers will present their results at ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Chalk-based coating creates a cooling fabric /articles/chalk-based-coating-creates-a-cooling-fabric/?sc=rsin /articles/chalk-based-coating-creates-a-cooling-fabric/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST In the scorching heat of summer, anyone who spends time outside could benefit from a cooling fabric. Now, researchers have innovated a durable chalk-based microscale coating that cools the air underneath treated fabric by up to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Estudio piloto utiliza vidrio reciclado para cultivar los ingredientes para preparar salsa /articles/estudio-piloto-utiliza-vidrio-reciclado-para-cultivar-los-ingredientes-para-preparar-salsa/?sc=rsin /articles/estudio-piloto-utiliza-vidrio-reciclado-para-cultivar-los-ingredientes-para-preparar-salsa/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Los ingredientes de la salsa, como el cilantro y el jalapeno, se pueden cultivar en vidrio reciclado. Un estudio piloto revelo que la sustitucion parcial de la tierra con fragmentos de vidrio puede acelerar el desarrollo de la planta y reducir el crecimiento de hongos no deseado. Los investigadores presentaran sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) El revestimiento a base de tiza crea un tejido refrigerante /articles/el-revestimiento-a-base-de-tiza-crea-un-tejido-refrigerante/?sc=rsin /articles/el-revestimiento-a-base-de-tiza-crea-un-tejido-refrigerante/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST En el calor abrasador del verano, cualquier persona que pase tiempo afuera podria beneficiarse de un tejido refrigerante. Pero ahora, los investigadores han innovado con un revestimiento de microescala a base de tiza que enfria el aire debajo del tejido tratado hasta 13 grados Celsius. Presentaran sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Extraterrestrial chemistry with earthbound possibilities /articles/extraterrestrial-chemistry-with-earthbound-possibilities/?sc=rsin /articles/extraterrestrial-chemistry-with-earthbound-possibilities/?sc=rsin Tue, 20 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST To better understand prebiotic molecules -- the seeds of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere -- researchers investigated the role of low-energy electrons on ice particles in a vacuum. They will present their results that could inform new applications on our home planet at ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Quimica extraterrestre con posibilidades de aplicacion en la tierra /articles/qu-mica-extraterrestre-con-posibilidades-de-aplicaci-n-en-la-tierra/?sc=rsin /articles/qu-mica-extraterrestre-con-posibilidades-de-aplicaci-n-en-la-tierra/?sc=rsin Tue, 20 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Para entender mejor las moleculas prebioticas, las semillas de la vida en la Tierra y posiblemente en otros lugares, los investigadores investigaron el papel de los electrones de baja energia creados en particulas de hielo en el vacio. Presentaran sus resultados que podrian servir de base para nuevas aplicaciones en nuestro planeta hogar en la ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Improving access to heart-failure screening with saliva /articles/improving-access-to-heart-failure-screening-with-saliva/?sc=rsin /articles/improving-access-to-heart-failure-screening-with-saliva/?sc=rsin Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Heart failure is especially fatal for people without access to medical facilities. A research team aims to bring heart failure screening from the lab to the home with a biosensor that uses a drop of saliva to screen for biomarkers of the disease. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Expansion con luz del implante cardiaco de un nino /articles/expansi-n-con-luz-del-implante-card-aco-de-un-ni-o/?sc=rsin /articles/expansi-n-con-luz-del-implante-card-aco-de-un-ni-o/?sc=rsin Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Los ninos que nacen con ciertos defectos cardiacos se someten a un implante de shunt para mejorar el flujo sanguineo. El shunt debe cambiarse a medida que el cuerpo crece. Los investigadores informan que un nuevo shunt expandible que reacciona a la luz podria reducir el numero de cirugias a las que se someten estos ninos. Presentaran sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Expanding a child's heart implant with light /articles/expanding-a-child-s-heart-implant-with-light/?sc=rsin /articles/expanding-a-child-s-heart-implant-with-light/?sc=rsin Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST Children born with certain heart defects receive a shunt implant to improve blood flow. The shunt must be replaced as their bodies grow. Researchers say a new light-reactive expandable shunt could cut the number of surgeries these children receive. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS) Mejora del acceso a la deteccion de la insuficiencia cardiaca con saliva /articles/mejora-del-acceso-a-la-detecci-n-de-la-insuficiencia-card-aca-con-saliva/?sc=rsin /articles/mejora-del-acceso-a-la-detecci-n-de-la-insuficiencia-card-aca-con-saliva/?sc=rsin Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EST En el calor abrasador del verano, cualquier persona que pase tiempo afuera podria beneficiarse de un tejido refrigerante. Pero ahora, los investigadores han innovado con un revestimiento de microescala a base de tiza que enfria el aire debajo del tejido tratado hasta 13 grados Celsius. Presentaran sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024. American Chemical Society (ACS)