欧美极品 Focus Channel: Education Channel Featured Story TOP /articles/channels?channel=6457 This [feature]/[breaking news]/[focus] channel highlights experts, research, and feature stories related to... en-us Copyright 2022 欧美极品 欧美极品 Focus Channel: Education Channel Featured Story TOP 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Special Ed Suit Against CA, 欧美极品om Settled, Acknowledging Federal and State Law Requires In-Person Services for Students with Special Needs /articles/view/747197/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/747197/?sc=c6457 Fri, 05 Mar 2021 08:55:37 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://www.autismlaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/5080885-small.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />After the settlement, Governor 欧美极品om unveiled California's Safe Schools for All Plan, setting the record straight and setting precedent for other states. Special Education Law Division; Law Offices of Sheila C. Bayne Three Wellesley Professors Teach Students to View the Pandemic Through a Historical Lens /articles/view/746874/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/746874/?sc=c6457 Fri, 26 Feb 2021 07:05:07 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://www.wellesley.edu/sites/default/files/styles/news_refresh_hero/public/assets/dailyshot/plague2.22.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />A year into the COVID-19 crisis, it seems like almost everyone can recall the moment they first sensed just how extensively the pandemic making its way around the world would upend their lives. Wellesley College Amherst, Wesleyan Presidents Lead Group of Higher Ed Leaders in Urging Dept of Ed to End Investigation of Princeton /articles/view/738705/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/738705/?sc=c6457 Fri, 25 Sep 2020 15:45:48 EST More than 80 college and university leaders have signed onto a statement co-authored by Presidents Biddy Martin of Amherst College and Michael S. Roth of Wesleyan University urging the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) to abandon its announced civil rights investigation into Princeton University. Amherst College U team offers daily tips for parenting, schooling and e-learning in a pandemic /articles/view/737957/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/737957/?sc=c6457 Mon, 14 Sep 2020 17:15:29 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2022/01/30/Screen-Shot-2020-09-11-at-9.34.07-AM-300x199.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" /> The Behavior Response Support Team (BRST, pronounced "burst), a joint project of the University of Utah's Department of Educational Psychology and the Granite School District, provides daily tips and teaches skills for managing kids' behavior amid remote learning, in-person learning and general pandemic conditions. The animated videos, featuring avatars representing diverse children and families, are provided in seven languages and on five social media platforms. University of Utah Mathematically Modeling the Return to College Campuses in the Time of COVID-19 /articles/view/736922/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/736922/?sc=c6457 Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:15:53 EST A student-built simulation shows why college campuses are particularly prone to rapid spreading of COVID-19 and reinforces the need for quick testing and symptom reporting to find and isolate infected individuals. Michigan Technological University Texas A&M offers undergraduates hands-on research experience despite pandemic /articles/view/733583/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/733583/?sc=c6457 Tue, 23 Jun 2020 11:35:31 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://engineering.tamu.edu/news/2020/06/_news-images/MSEN_OREUprogram_17Jun2020.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" /> Recently, the Texas A&M University College of Engineering kicked off an online version of its Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. Taking place over the summer, this fully remote program gives 58 students from around the U.S. valuable research experience in computational modeling, theory and data-driven topics in science and engineering. Texas A&M University Weird Science /articles/view/732853/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/732853/?sc=c6457 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 20:05:04 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://www.unisa.edu.au/siteassets/media-centre/images/media-release-images/mad-scientist-shutterstock_691081060_web.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />White lab coats and dangerous experiments all epitomise the 'mad scientist' from many a Hollywood blockbuster but, even beyond the silver screen, the stereotype lives on, and according to new research, it could mar the next generation of potential scientists. University of South Australia UNC Charlotte Wins APLU Degree Completion Award /articles/view/723002/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/723002/?sc=c6457 Thu, 21 Nov 2019 11:05:29 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2019/11/21/APLUAward2019.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />UNC Charlotte is recognized as a national leader in the effort to develop comprehensive programs to increase student retention and graduation rates by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU); the organization named the University the winner of its 2019 Degree Completion Award. University of North Carolina at Charlotte First Aid for Severe Trauma Curriculum Being Developed for High Schools /articles/view/721465/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/721465/?sc=c6457 Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:00:50 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2019/10/28/HOSA.jpeg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />A life-saving course is in development to train high school students around the country how to to deliver the first aid skills for severely injured trauma victims. The education and training course is being created by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences' National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) and The American Red Cross (Red Cross). Students who successfully complete the course will receive certificates documenting their first aid training. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) UC San Diego Fuels Regional Economy, Impacts State /articles/view/720245/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/720245/?sc=c6457 Fri, 04 Oct 2019 15:05:38 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2019/10/4/ucsd-economic-impact-report.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />Nearly six decades of public and private investment have created a world-renowned university with more than $5 billion in annual revenues and $1.2 billion in annual sponsored research. A new economic impact report details UC San Diego's estimated $16.5 billion in annual economic impact in California--more than the entire annual revenue of the state of Arizona. University of California San Diego Argonne organization's scholarship fund blazes STEM pathway /articles/view/719147/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/719147/?sc=c6457 Tue, 17 Sep 2019 16:05:11 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2021/12/22/32715D41_hi-rez_1600x900.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />In the past 10 years, Argonne's Hispanic/Latino club has awarded more than $35,000 in education funds to area youth. In 2015, Noemy Escamilla was one of those recipients. Escamilla was awarded a summer 2019 internship, and serendipitously chosen to work alongside the very people who chose her for the scholarship years before. Argonne National Laboratory Argonne discovery offers new way to coat nuclear materials /articles/view/718347/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/718347/?sc=c6457 Tue, 03 Sep 2019 10:05:14 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://www.anl.gov/sites/www/files/styles/article_teaser_16x9/public/2019-08/Nuclear-coating-feature-1-1600x900.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />Argonne scientists have discovered a new way to coat nuclear materials that supports efforts to minimize use of high-enriched uranium. Argonne National Laboratory Laying Foundations for Student Success: The CSU Summer Algebra Institute /articles/view/718321/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/718321/?sc=c6457 Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:45:39 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2019/08/30/CO_AlgebraEvent032.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />The CSU Summer Algebra Institute boosts high schoolers' math and quantitative reasoning skills for the path to college. California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office Cedars-Sinai Awards Record Number of Advanced Degrees /articles/view/713888/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/713888/?sc=c6457 Tue, 04 Jun 2019 02:25:27 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2019/06/3/2019-commencement-groupphotolrg-103143.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />The Cedars-Sinai Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences awarded a record number of advanced degrees at its 7th annual commencement, where a Nobel laureate urged the graduates to "tackle our greatest challenges" by sustaining their commitment to science despite political headwinds. Cedars-Sinai Four Iowa State Students Named Goldwater Scholars /articles/view/712325/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/712325/?sc=c6457 Thu, 02 May 2019 16:20:34 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2022/03/10/KDR7.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />Four Iowa State University students have received Goldwater Scholarships, the third time in the last decade that all four ISU Goldwater candidates have been selected for the nation's premier undergraduate scholarship in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. Iowa State University Biology Faculty Receives Grant to Help Increase STEM Degrees Among Minorities /articles/view/705902/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/705902/?sc=c6457 Wed, 02 Jan 2019 11:05:21 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=https://www.csuci.edu/news/releases/images/lsamp-03-sm.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" /> CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Biology Lecturer Caryl Ann Becerra, Ph.D., has received $35,000 for a project called "California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP)." California State University, Channel Islands One Big Reason Why Women Drop Out of Doctoral STEM Programs /articles/view/700490/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/700490/?sc=c6457 Mon, 17 Sep 2018 06:00:00 EST Many women in doctoral degree programs in fields like engineering and physics are in a class of their own - and that's not a good thing. A new study found that the fewer females who enter a doctoral program at the same time, the less likely any one of them will graduate within six years. Ohio State University Study: Lack of Inquiry-Oriented Instruction by Eighth-Grade Science Teachers Without Educational Backgrounds in Science Offers Insight Into Why U.S. Students Lag Behind Global Peers in Scientific Literacy, Stem Jobs /articles/view/696894/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/696894/?sc=c6457 Fri, 29 Jun 2018 16:05:49 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2018/06/29/Tammy_Kolbe_Story2.JPG&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />A new study shows that eighth-grade science teachers without an educational background in science are less likely to practice inquiry-oriented science instruction, a pedagogical approach that develops students' understanding of scientific concepts and engages students in hands-on science projects. This research offers new evidence for why U.S. middle-grades students may lag behind their global peers in scientific literacy. Inquiry-oriented science instruction has been heralded by the National Research Council and other experts in science education as best practice for teaching students 21st-century scientific knowledge and skills. University of Vermont World STEM Students Convene at IMSA to Collaborate on Sustainable Development Goals /articles/view/695988/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/695988/?sc=c6457 Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:30:35 EST <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2018/06/12/ISSF2018-logo-type-centered-cmyk-coated.gif&width=100&height=150" alt="欧美极品 image" />International Student Science Fair connects students from around the globe to solve the world's biggest challenges. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) Curiosity Based Learning, Inquiry, Research: the Fundamentals of IMSA at the International Student Science Fair /articles/view/696599/?sc=c6457 /articles/view/696599/?sc=c6457 Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:30:30 EST IMSA's unique way of thinking and learning reaches a global stage Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)