DURHAM, N.H.—Three University of New Hampshire faculty members are available to discuss escalating tensions in the Middle East, the effects it will have on homeland security and the ripple effect it may have on terrorism as pressure mounts after the recent Iranian air strikes at military bases in Iraq. 

Jeannie Sowers, associate professor of political science, is an expert of comparative politics of the Middle East and author of several books that focus on political economy, ecology and state-society relations in the Middle East and North Africa. She is well-versed in the topics of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, U.S. relations with Iran and Iraq over time, war and international humanitarian norms, the effects of sanctions and blockades, causes of failed states, the role groups like ISIS can play and the causes and consequences of popular protest in the region.

Sowers can be reached directly at [email protected].

James Ramsay is widely recognized as one of the nation’s foremost authorities on homeland security education with expertise in a wide range of health, emergency management planning and evaluation issues, as well as occupational safety and environmental health. Ramsay says that at this early stage, specific consequences on homeland security are not really known, but all efforts and operations will be on a heightened state of alert, especially those of local and federal law enforcement and the emergency services sectors. He notes that the Iranians have a strong cyber-attack capability and that attacks on critical infrastructure and the private sector can be expected to be more frequent and more intense were this conflict to escalate. Homeland security officials are most likely consulting with national security officials about likely activities of potential Iranian operatives and sympathizers.

Ramsay can be reached at (386) 405-5260 or [email protected].

Melinda Negrón-Gonzales is an assistant professor and coordinator of UNH’s Politics and Society Program. She teaches courses on international relations, comparative politics and terrorism. Negrón-Gonzales's research interests span the following areas: Middle Eastern studies, U.S. foreign policy, Turkish studies (where she used to live), humanitarian intervention, social movements and democratization. One strand of her research looks at changing ideas about humanitarian intervention - to prevent and respond to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

Negrón-Gonzales can be reached at (603) 641-4364 or [email protected].


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