Narcan, a prescription nasal spray that reverses opioid overdoses, can now be sold over the counter after the FDA authorized the move on March 29. 

, S.J., PhD, is the director of the Institute of Bioethics and professor of medical ethics at Saint Joseph's University. While he says the FDA authorization is good news, it is just a first step. 

Clark says the following: 

"In 2021, there were 107,000 reported fatal overdoses of opioids in the United States," says Clark. "Access to Narcan has saved countless lives. We estimate that 44 million doses of Narcan have been distributed since 2016."

"With the new FDA ruling, which approves OTC naloxone nasal spray over the counter, access to Narcan has the potential to reduce opioid overdoses throughout the United States," says Clark.

"The major issue will be the cost of the over-the-counter Narcan," says Clark. "A two-pack prescription of Narcan costs about $140 and with discounts, it could be less than $50 a dose. I would implore the pharmaceutical manufacturer to make accessibility to Narcan a priority and make sure it is at an affordable price."

"Emergent BioSolutions has declined to disclose the price it plans to charge for the over-the-counter version of Narcan," says Clark. "If this company is dedicated to improving public health, then I would implore them to put profit margins aside and look for what is in the best interest of the common good. Over-the-counter Narcan has the potential to save thousands of lives of the most vulnerable members of our society and the manufacturer has the means to make this become a reality."

George A. Downs, PharmD, is the Dean Emeritus of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP) and Linwood F. Tice Professor of Pharmacy at Saint Joseph's University. He agrees with Father Clark.

Downs says: 

"Finally, Narcan will be available to the general public," says Downs. "Remember the days when Ipecac Syrup was available in every medicine cabinet? If a child took a poison, Ipecac Syrup was administered as the parents raced to the emergency room. Now, naloxone should be in everyone's medicine cabinet (or, better, in every briefcase) in case an overdose is encountered." 

"OTC naloxone provides for easy access," says Downs. "However, cost will now become an issue. If the cost of Narcan is prohibitive, the general public will still not buy it and availability will still be a problem." 


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